Transvestites are often secretive because coming out to the world at large could be tantamount to unwanted transition: One might have to abandon membership of male society.
Why? Because traditional maleness is so narrow and enforces orthodoxy so tightly that most men are fearful that they do not fully conform to expectation and consequently are willing to bully difference to demonstrate their own membership of the gang. And most transvestites, for all their feminine side, don’t want to be drummed out of male society.
Among younger and more enlightened sections of society, things may be getting better but civilisation is a wisdom that every generation must learn anew. And even when learnt, it can be quickly lost again when the herd succumbs to its ancient bullying instincts.
There are some exceptions who forego the secrecy: Some transvestites declare themselves to the world and present publicly in both genders. Eddie Izzard is probably the best known example on this side of the Atlantic. However, in our experience, among the relative few who have taken this step, there are those who regret it as well as those who have been liberated by it.
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