Not all crossdressing is transgender. Crossdressing is simply the act of putting on the apparel of the opposite sex for any motive. Drag queens, pantomime dames and other performers on stage or catwalk are obvious examples of those who crossdress but are generally not transgender. However, it is possible that they may in time discover a transgenderness within.
Another example of non-transgender crossdressing is those who crossdress as a form of sex play. It is an essential part of human sexuality that people like to fantasise and sometimes roleplay scenarios that stir their emotions. For males these often include powerlessness, humiliation and other oppressions of the male ego, for which traditional feminine gender stereotypes and clothing are an obvious source of inspiration (to the ongoing irritation of feminists).
All of which is actually very normal. The tragedy around sexuality in Ireland is that we are typically so guilty about sexual fantasy and roleplay that we tend to keep it to ourselves rather than sharing it with a partner. And as a result, continue to feel guilty.
Like anyone else who crossdresses, a man who starts crossdressing for sexual reasons may in time discover a transgenderness within. Insofar as it's possible to identify a tipping point, in such cases transgenderness could be said to start when the primary motive changes from erotic oppression of the male spirit to the liberation of a newfound female spirit.
But as we said previously, Transgender can only be a label you apply to yourself, not one that others impose on you.
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